Coccidia is not uncommon in pups... or in dogs for that matter. Our Vet confided her most recent litter tested positive for it as well. Fortunately, for all there's a medication highly effective and fairly quick acting that the pups, the cropped as well as the un-cropped, will receive for a total of three days. Assuming the second group receives a clean bill of health when we return for crop, all pups will receive their certificates and a green light to go. In the meantime I'll continue to care for them and enjoy them just a bit longer.
The slide show below is comprised of photos taken yesterday. They come home just a few short hours post-op ready to rumble. They were allowed a quick run of the yard to relieve themselves, a late but light lunch then some quiet time on the porch while I took each out individually for some solo shots. From there we moved to the back deck for dinner topped off with the standard post-op protocol including an antibiotic and pain med. Then to bed. The pups are segregated now into groups. We have the cropped and the un-croopped. This done to protect the ears as much as possible.