A side note I nearly forgot to mention; Blue now has a real name so if you hear me mention a pup named Kimber, know I'm referring to Blue. :-)
Well today was kind of a non-day in the land of pups... to much rain for any outdoor time. I played the harmonica for them for a bit which they seemed intrigued by... briefly. For the most part though, they kept themselves entertained by pouncing and chewing on each other and toys between naps and meal times while I did a bit of cleaning. In the process, I came accross a forgotten laser light and out of curiosity I decided to give it a go but I think the pups are still too young. Tessa acknowledge it and tried to paw it once but that was the extent of their response. Last I looked, we're to have a nice day tomorrow and I'm hopeful for one. We're expecting another visit; this time from Gwen and her hubby, Buddy. They're anxious to meet their pup Yellow. Thursday both Aric and Sharon plan to visit to choose their pups and Jim's plan is to notify me of his selection via phone since they were just here yesterday. Following Jim is Nicole. She also plans to let me know by phone since they've already had a visit and live a pretty good distance away. It seems we're getting down to the wire. It's possible all selections will be made by Thursday evening and I'll know where each and every pup is headed. That will leave me just one final week to spend with them and a week in which I will continue to prepare them for the transition from my home to yours. I'm claiming it as our week and we're gonna have some fun!
A side note I nearly forgot to mention; Blue now has a real name so if you hear me mention a pup named Kimber, know I'm referring to Blue. :-)
4/17/2014 04:01:46 pm
You nicknamed Tessa right...little firecracker. I think agility will be perfect for her if she is that observant. Probably gonna give her another nickname...... Miss Smarty Pants. LOL. Can't wait to see how she responds when she comes home! I will probably cry. Dumb I know. But, I probably will. Preparations underway and almost done. Have a good weekend. Hope work goes by quickly for you.
4/18/2014 03:40:04 pm
I too am one who cries tears of joy from time to time so I understand. I think Tessa will just bring smiles though! It's hard not to smile when you look at any of these pups! I hope she enjoys and does well in agility for you. I want to pursue the "sport" myself. Soon.
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