Happy Sunday! One week down. Seven to go! Isn't this just the cutest picture??? Considering a crate? I'm all for 'em and think it's best to get pups used to them right away. Your pups while with me will have time to play in and about an open door crate. The puppy corral that they graduate to starting at about 3 1/2 to 4 weeks of age is similar to the standard wire crates you can find @ petsmart, petco and the like. I prefer them over the plastic crate as they seem less isolating. I generally buy most of my supplies online as I'm not a big shopper and can generally find the best buys there. Most often I end up purchasing from Amazon but the last crates I purchased were found from a retailer on craigslist. I included the crate pads but my pups promptly chewed them so I can't really recommend them for young dogs. I ordered a UGODOG a few days ago and will attempt to begin potty training with this litter. Hopefully they will at least get the idea that they do their business in one area and sleep and play in another. I had one for Serious for the days I worked when he was a pup and he used it consistently. Majestic, not so much! Just tossing out some ideas for consideration. With that said, I'm off to make some dog beds that I will later use in the pup corrals and hopefully if all goes well I'll get started on some adjustable baby buckle collars. Today is also collar adjustment day! These kids are growing! Hope you all enjoy your day!