It came out of the blue.... and shut down my shoot! Shoot is right! Maybe tomorrow... Needless to say the pups experienced a first; their first rainstorm! And Maroon girl got the worst of it as she was the last to be picked up and packed inside. Although it didn't hurt them any I don't think they appreciated it much either... As I quickly transported them back in the house when the rain hit, each was more wet than the previous. I was down to three and went back to find them huddled in the corner with heads down... Then it was Maroon's turn, still sitting quietly in the corner with her head down looking downright pitiful! Not a very good way to celebrate National Puppy Day! Poor babies......... I did manage to get some photos of Orange and Black and a few of Pink and Blue before we had to quit. I'll post them a little later this evening. Hopefully we'll have better weather and luck tomorrow!
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