And this week it's all about the Blues. Sky Blue has maintained her lead as far as the girls go and at this point I'm pretty sure she'll remain the largest girl of the litter throughout her stay with me. She's actually surpassed the weight of all but one boy! Our smallest boy, Blue, picked up the least amount of weight during the course of the week but remains larger than most of the girls. He's fine... may have just slept through the last feeding. Soon I'll be introducing them to mash and they'll all get their fill without having to fight each other for a spot. All in all I'm happy with their growth. They remain my largest pups to date and I think the most active. I've given up on attempting to keep them in the whelping pool. They themselves determined it was time to broaden their horizons several days ago. I'll set their playpen i.e. pup corral up Monday. The following week they'll be introduced to the great outdoors. They're three weeks old today, getting animated and fun. Three weeks down, a little more than five to go!