Everything is well here for the most part. The pups as you can see in the slide show below are growing like weeds. The past few days I've noticed and have enjoyed watching their first attempts to play. They bat one another and spend quite a bit of time gnawing on one another as well. They're barking and growling at each other and it's not uncommon for them to bark at me too. They routinely bark when I enter the bedroom upon my return home from work. Turning into watchdogs already! Blue boy is showing some drive as far as play is concerned. I threw a ball and a bone in their habitat and as well as seeming eager to play with the other pups he quickly displayed some interest in the ball too. The ridge of white hair I mentioned last week that separated his rust chest markings has disappeared. Not sure how I feel about that actually. I kinda liked it!
In other news they had their first taste of mash last night. Just a get acquainted meal to see how they'd do with it. Smart little buggers dove right in! Their reward -two full meals today!
I had an unexpected trip to the Vet with Red yesterday. Well... not unexpected by the time yesterday rolled around actually. Friday evening I noticed he had an area above his right eye that was slightly swollen. Didn't think too much about it at the time but by Saturday morning it was noticeably swollen. At the time I wondered if he'd been bit by something or maybe scratched by another pup. His eye itself looked ok. No redness or drainage, just a swollen upper lid. Unfortunately Saturday morning marked the 1st day of my work week which now runs Saturday through Monday. As a result I wasn't able to get to the Vet until yesterday. A judgement call I guess. Long story short, Red's eye was nearly swollen shut yesterday morning. He's now receiving oral antibiotics and steroids and is currently removed from the selection process until further assessment can be made. I feel reassured by the fact that his Vet didn't seem overly concerned -we have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks. Fortunately I was able to see a slight improvement within 24 hours so I think we're on the right track. I say judgement call because if he had shown any signs of distress I would have taken him to the small animal emergency clinic at the U. But he didn't. He continued to eat and play, have normal rest and wakeful periods etc etc. Fingers are crossed that he'll be healed up and ready to go with the rest of the pack... I'm actually hopeful he'll have a clean bill of health before the selection process begins. For now we just wait and see. I've included a somewhat close up photo of him so we can all monitor his progress in the upcoming days and weeks.