Well I guess I'm a day late with weekly photos. Maybe not for a couple of them but for the bulk yesterday marked the pups fifth week birthday. And since it is for the bulk... that's the day we celebrate and the date recorded on their official birth record. I received their papers in the mail a couple days ago.
We're getting there. Definitely on the short side of the hump!
The pups had a great and fairly lengthy outdoor adventure today, once again in groups of two to three. Each time they're out they seem to enjoy it more and their inquisitiveness increases. They still don't like to find themselves on their own and will take to howling if they think the've been deserted. I'm never far away but since their vision still isn't great they sometimes can't see me.
I think at this point in time our Orange collared girl may be most eager to explore and try new things. Small but mighty I guess. They kind of gave me a run for my money today as I attempted to get good photos of each individually. I took some in group and waited until they'd create a little distance between themselves for individual shots. Fortunately weather and light held in there for us today.
They've graduated from mash to kibble that's been softened slightly by the addition of some water before I serve it up. They've got some seriously ferocious appetites! Three times a day!
They're also doing well on the shavings with the sling bed. They've got it figured out and figured it out quick! I had some messes on the sling the first couple days but fortunately it washes well and I've only had to launder it once. Smart pups. They haven't started the demolition process yet. I guess that comes soon. The last litter had the edges a little frayed before they left me. Maybe this group will cut me some slack and respect their bed for what it is. Me... always the hopeful one. :-)
I'll work on getting the photos uploaded this evening but probably won't get them all complete. Tomorrow one of my girls from a previous litter, KatieScarlett, will be competing at the National level as a Senior Dock Diver. Can't really miss an event like that. A partial day away but should leave enough time to be able to finish the weeks entries and hopefully a slide show of extras too.
We're getting there. Definitely on the short side of the hump!
The pups had a great and fairly lengthy outdoor adventure today, once again in groups of two to three. Each time they're out they seem to enjoy it more and their inquisitiveness increases. They still don't like to find themselves on their own and will take to howling if they think the've been deserted. I'm never far away but since their vision still isn't great they sometimes can't see me.
I think at this point in time our Orange collared girl may be most eager to explore and try new things. Small but mighty I guess. They kind of gave me a run for my money today as I attempted to get good photos of each individually. I took some in group and waited until they'd create a little distance between themselves for individual shots. Fortunately weather and light held in there for us today.
They've graduated from mash to kibble that's been softened slightly by the addition of some water before I serve it up. They've got some seriously ferocious appetites! Three times a day!
They're also doing well on the shavings with the sling bed. They've got it figured out and figured it out quick! I had some messes on the sling the first couple days but fortunately it washes well and I've only had to launder it once. Smart pups. They haven't started the demolition process yet. I guess that comes soon. The last litter had the edges a little frayed before they left me. Maybe this group will cut me some slack and respect their bed for what it is. Me... always the hopeful one. :-)
I'll work on getting the photos uploaded this evening but probably won't get them all complete. Tomorrow one of my girls from a previous litter, KatieScarlett, will be competing at the National level as a Senior Dock Diver. Can't really miss an event like that. A partial day away but should leave enough time to be able to finish the weeks entries and hopefully a slide show of extras too.