I'm enjoying Getka's pups and I'm very glad they're here!!! They're helping! Hard to watch them and not find a smile creeping onto my face. I love watching them and do a lot of it.
These little guys and gals are getting pretty active. Still snoozing the majority of the time when they aren't eating of course. But as a group they're starting to enjoy some short wakeful periods.
They're responding to noises now. Barking at times when I open and close doors and come to alert when they hear my voice. I talk to them frequently. When awake they'll also come up to the side of the box if I scratch on it and encourage them. They seem to enjoy having their little faces and heads caressed. Probably expecting.... hoping for a snack.
They're also beginning to play a little. Batting at and gnawing on each other. Once in a while they get irritated with being pestered and make their feelings known. Can sound a bit on the ferocious side. Yes, already! Right on schedule!!!
It's a bit ironic but when I look at them it almost seems I'm looking at two litters in one box. There are four, (Yellow, Black, Copper and Brown) who are considerably larger at a glance than the rest of the pack. It's a big litter and the strongest, whether big litter or not, have a way of getting in there first and grab the best spots at the milk bar. I also think nursing technique is a factor. Some tug and pull, probably burning up near as many calories as they consume. Others just lay quietly and guzzle. I've been helping Getka out for about a week with 3-4 rotational feedings a day, 3-4 pups at a time outside the box but it doesn't seem those efforts have made a huge difference. The smaller ones remain smaller and the larger continue to grow larger. I'll start them on mash tomorrow. Or maybe tonight.... their 3rd week birthday. Ya, probably tonight. To celebrate.
And maybe grab a few photos.
I haven't had my camera out for roughly a week until today. Hoped I'd captured some good shots this afternoon but when I uploaded most were blurred. Too many individuals moving at once. Got a few cute ones after they settled down which I'll post.
Hope everyone's doing well. A little over five weeks to go.