Even so, I don't think I'm going to get them uploaded tonight. Tomorrow's project is set!
I ordered a truck load of dirt, which I received notice today, will arrive tomorrow. As a result I had to quit all things puppy (except feeding and kennel care of course) and get back to leaf duty. Another 5 hoppers and a huge pile of leaves into the burn pit and tended to. As far as the dirt goes I'm actually afraid to see how huge of a pile 18 yards of it is. I assume I'll have a dirt pile for awhile and lots of spreading to do this spring. And hole filling. Because... dogs! I still have at least one digger here and she can dig some massive tunnels in short order. Longest I've measured to date was roughly 7 ft long and about 2 ft wide. Being relatively horizontal they're difficult to fill. And the dirt spread so far and wide I can never retrieve enough to actually fully fill them. Historically most of my dogs have gone through phases of digging but fortunately they generally grow out of it.
So that's it for tonight. Hope everyone had a nice Valentines day. I'll get busy on updating the pup pages tomorrow. At least I got the pages themselves created.