9/10/13 Green Boy, is now our heavyweight! As it should be; he is a boy after all..... and he is one calm and sweet pup!
10/3/13 Unfortunately the sale of this pup, the only male in the litter, following deposit placed the day of his birth has fallen through!
If you are interested in a magnificent specimen of the breed "Green Male" is once again available! Unfortunately, I could have placed this boy 5 times over the course of the past 8 weeks!
If you are interested in a magnificent specimen of the breed "Green Male" is once again available! Unfortunately, I could have placed this boy 5 times over the course of the past 8 weeks!

Our Only Boy joined his "Forever Family" today! He, from this point on, will be known and loved as "Griffin". He will live with and serve a lovely 2nd generation Doberman family and, as they say, will essentially "never be left alone"! Congrats Griffin, you too are going to an awesome home! Please do good and help them heal! You've got some big shoes to fill!
R.I.P. Jezebel!
This boy is going to love and take good care of your family.
He's a great pup!
Our Only Boy joined his "Forever Family" today! He, from this point on, will be known and loved as "Griffin". He will live with and serve a lovely 2nd generation Doberman family and, as they say, will essentially "never be left alone"! Congrats Griffin, you too are going to an awesome home! Please do good and help them heal! You've got some big shoes to fill!
R.I.P. Jezebel!
This boy is going to love and take good care of your family.
He's a great pup!

Griffin @ a year of age! I think it's safe to say he grew up! Way up!!! It's a good thing he's well behaved because I think he could clear the counter top in a split second if he were so inclined.
And below: at 9 months. Jan says his favorite place is still her lap.

I always say Dobermans think they're "lap dogs".
Griffin sets out to prove this... all 103 pounds of him :-)
September 2014: I had a request from Brian to see a pup from a previous litter before he was ready to place deposit on the next... as it turned out, he placed deposit prior to seeing one... I think he just needed a Dobie fix! All kidding aside, I respected his request and lined up a few possibilities for him. Since he was most interested in a male, and I've had so few, I was hopeful Jan would be available to show off her boy! And since Brian wasn't totally committed Male only, I also contacted a couple people with female pups from Lexi's last litter. Brian opted to go visit Jan and Griffin. Whatever questions he had were apparently answered by Griffin and Brian and Trish are anxiously awaiting the arrival of pups and hope to soon have a male to call their own!
While visiting they were able to snap a few photos to share and
I must say, Griffin has grown to be one gorgeous guy!
While visiting they were able to snap a few photos to share and
I must say, Griffin has grown to be one gorgeous guy!