Four Weeks
Five Weeks... And Two Days!
Six Weeks!
Seven Weeks
Eight Weeks!
February 14th 2018-April 17th 2018

Unfortunately I'm devastated to report our Valentine litter lost a piece of it's heart today. I'm told Valley received a clean bill of health pre-operatively and her crop as scheduled but unfortunately didn't fully recover from anesthesia. Her Vet was devastated when she called and tells me it's likely been 5 years since she's lost a pup to a crop. Like humans, I guess, some dogs react poorly to anesthesia. Fortunately I've never before suffered such a loss during or after a crop or from any surgery as far as that goes... ever.
The loss of Valley is such a shame... a robust an absolutely gorgeous pup that held great potential. She had become very sweet... not quite the bully she once was. An all around great pup!!! I take some comfort knowing Valley passed peacefully in caring arms. I've arrived early to collect my pups on several occasions to find them wrapped in warm towels, held by staff as they slowly come to a state of full wakefulness. I'm heartbroken for Ellie as I would be for any of you. And I'm heartbroken Valley's life was cut so short.
RIP Valley
You were loved!
The loss of Valley is such a shame... a robust an absolutely gorgeous pup that held great potential. She had become very sweet... not quite the bully she once was. An all around great pup!!! I take some comfort knowing Valley passed peacefully in caring arms. I've arrived early to collect my pups on several occasions to find them wrapped in warm towels, held by staff as they slowly come to a state of full wakefulness. I'm heartbroken for Ellie as I would be for any of you. And I'm heartbroken Valley's life was cut so short.
RIP Valley
You were loved!