The pups from this litter seem to be trickling out the door. Generally speaking up until my last litter pups have gone home the day after cropping. It's best -not so much for me but for the pups that they get out the door quickly considering they've just undergone surgery and are donning surgical wear. Tapes, posts, sutures and fresh ear margins. Not sure why the delay in pick up as of late but beginning with my next litter I'm going to begin charging board fees for each pup I keep outside the 1st post op day. And trust me, it has nothing to do with my desire to grab money but everything to do with incentive and the pups welfare. I don't want delayed pickups to become the norm. I generally choose families for my pups that have relatively open schedules for a reason. Time for pups. And my cropping appointments are made well in advance. I understand an occasional scheduling glitch but again... it can't become the norm.
The first night post crop I'm pretty successful keeping them quiet... but days together take their toll not only on the surgical bandaging but on the pups themselves. And me. I hate to hear them squeal because a littermate banged into them or at worst decided a freshly cut ear was a great place to chew. They're my babes and I care for them best I can but outside of isolating them from one another some damage to ear postings etc is inevitable. So far the posts and bandages have held up pretty well. Only had to do a repair on one. Thank you Caroleen for your assistance on that one!
So... now that I've got the nasties out of the way from my generally happy posts I'm going to go back to the happy! I've gotten updates from all but one who have begun their journeys at this point and sounds like everyone's settling in well. Working their magic on their people.
As for me I'm recovered from the long day of cropping and have continued to have fun with the pups. Most have had their post crop photo shoots done. Basically timing that according to their departure time and will post them after I've got them all done. My norm.
As you know Georgia was a new experience for me... but not an unpleasant one. Long... but not unpleasant. The drive was easy and fortunately no accidents or delays en route. I saw plenty of what Georgia is known for. Cotton. Cotton on the dried plants in fields, cotton blowing in the road and huge bales -of cotton! I guess it's cotton season!!! The worst part of the day came with a strike out on my planned breakfast spot... it was a bit of a bomb. Think it may have been good had I actually gotten what I thought I'd ordered. A glitch in communication I think. But a late lunch more than made up for it. I highly recommend Empanadas And More for a light meal when ever traveling in or even around Valdosta. I had an empanada and sweet plantains and both were incredible. The place will definitely get repeat visits from me! Between breakfast and a late lunch I worked my way around the various thrift shops and boutiques. And I'm proud of myself... I came home nearly empty handed. Interesting places and things to look at but not much I couldn't live without.
As far as the cropping appointment went I'm happy to report I left happy. Really liked the Vet and his staff. And I'm extremely impressed with the finish of the ear margins of the crops. His closure is amazing actually. The sutures are nearly invisible, margins rolled and essentially no oozing or scabbing. There's no ear care needed or recommended while the margins are healing other than to keep clean and dry. The bells of the ear aren't quite what I got from my prior Vet, Dr McBride, but overall I'm happy with the crops and look forward to seeing the pups in all their glory as they heal. We may have some fine tuning going forward... or not. One of my own dogs was done by the same Vet and I'm quite happy with his look. I expect the same in yours. A bit different from what I'm used to but none the less good.
I got the litter specific FB page set up today and will invite each of you to join at some point tomorrow. You'll receive invite via e-mail. The page is set as "private" so the posts you'll see will only be those made by litter-mate owners... And likewise, the posts you create will only be seen by other litter mate owners. I'm really hoping all will choose to join but that decision is up to each of you to make.
The first night post crop I'm pretty successful keeping them quiet... but days together take their toll not only on the surgical bandaging but on the pups themselves. And me. I hate to hear them squeal because a littermate banged into them or at worst decided a freshly cut ear was a great place to chew. They're my babes and I care for them best I can but outside of isolating them from one another some damage to ear postings etc is inevitable. So far the posts and bandages have held up pretty well. Only had to do a repair on one. Thank you Caroleen for your assistance on that one!
So... now that I've got the nasties out of the way from my generally happy posts I'm going to go back to the happy! I've gotten updates from all but one who have begun their journeys at this point and sounds like everyone's settling in well. Working their magic on their people.
As for me I'm recovered from the long day of cropping and have continued to have fun with the pups. Most have had their post crop photo shoots done. Basically timing that according to their departure time and will post them after I've got them all done. My norm.
As you know Georgia was a new experience for me... but not an unpleasant one. Long... but not unpleasant. The drive was easy and fortunately no accidents or delays en route. I saw plenty of what Georgia is known for. Cotton. Cotton on the dried plants in fields, cotton blowing in the road and huge bales -of cotton! I guess it's cotton season!!! The worst part of the day came with a strike out on my planned breakfast spot... it was a bit of a bomb. Think it may have been good had I actually gotten what I thought I'd ordered. A glitch in communication I think. But a late lunch more than made up for it. I highly recommend Empanadas And More for a light meal when ever traveling in or even around Valdosta. I had an empanada and sweet plantains and both were incredible. The place will definitely get repeat visits from me! Between breakfast and a late lunch I worked my way around the various thrift shops and boutiques. And I'm proud of myself... I came home nearly empty handed. Interesting places and things to look at but not much I couldn't live without.
As far as the cropping appointment went I'm happy to report I left happy. Really liked the Vet and his staff. And I'm extremely impressed with the finish of the ear margins of the crops. His closure is amazing actually. The sutures are nearly invisible, margins rolled and essentially no oozing or scabbing. There's no ear care needed or recommended while the margins are healing other than to keep clean and dry. The bells of the ear aren't quite what I got from my prior Vet, Dr McBride, but overall I'm happy with the crops and look forward to seeing the pups in all their glory as they heal. We may have some fine tuning going forward... or not. One of my own dogs was done by the same Vet and I'm quite happy with his look. I expect the same in yours. A bit different from what I'm used to but none the less good.
I got the litter specific FB page set up today and will invite each of you to join at some point tomorrow. You'll receive invite via e-mail. The page is set as "private" so the posts you'll see will only be those made by litter-mate owners... And likewise, the posts you create will only be seen by other litter mate owners. I'm really hoping all will choose to join but that decision is up to each of you to make.