So, I didn't get the extras posted yesterday as I'd hoped. But today. Well, today, I finally did. Late as it is.
Yesterday ended up being another long dog day! For the most part centering around my own.
I was lucky enough to be able to participate in a clinical trial at UF with Majestic and Ritz and get some free testing done at the same time! This particular trial, which I signed up for several months back, is studying a correlation between diet, specifically grain free diet, and DCM. Included in the study are Dobermans, Golden Retrievers and Schnauzers. I assume most of you have heard about the recent FDA reports regarding potentially harmful effects of feeding grain free. I for one, after reading the report was overjoyed I'd never jumped on that bandwagon. And I don't recommend feeding grain free. While it's known Dobermans are genetically prone to the disease there has been an uptick of DCM in some breeds that historically are not. There have already been a few studies documenting correlation. The one I'm most familiar with was Golden Retriever specific. But it serves to reason, if those foods weren't good for Goldens, they probably aren't good for any breeds.
But, apparently the jury's still out. Or at the very least they feel there are enough unknowns to warrant additional investigation. Despite the long day I was happy to participate and the highlight came when I had a chance to speak with the cardiologist and receive my preliminary reports. Both Ritz and Majestic continue to have strong healthy hearts and normal echocardiograms. Blood was drawn as well for taurine levels BNP and genetic markers but those will be sent out and not available for some time.
All in all it was a good day. While waiting for my dogs I had a chance to chat with one of my pup pals who had his girl, Libby, there for the same study. The conversation definitely helped pass the time and it was great to see Joe and one of my pups in the flesh. Have seen quite a few photos of her but it's just not quite the same as the real deal.
I wrapped up the day tending to the pups first- then moved on to my own who were happy to see me and eager to eat.
Then we opened the Chewy box! We have a tendency to move through toys pretty rapidly so when I buy I usually buy in bulk. The kids like their Hol-ee Rollers and I ike the JW products. I find most to be pretty Doberman worthy!
Yesterday ended up being another long dog day! For the most part centering around my own.
I was lucky enough to be able to participate in a clinical trial at UF with Majestic and Ritz and get some free testing done at the same time! This particular trial, which I signed up for several months back, is studying a correlation between diet, specifically grain free diet, and DCM. Included in the study are Dobermans, Golden Retrievers and Schnauzers. I assume most of you have heard about the recent FDA reports regarding potentially harmful effects of feeding grain free. I for one, after reading the report was overjoyed I'd never jumped on that bandwagon. And I don't recommend feeding grain free. While it's known Dobermans are genetically prone to the disease there has been an uptick of DCM in some breeds that historically are not. There have already been a few studies documenting correlation. The one I'm most familiar with was Golden Retriever specific. But it serves to reason, if those foods weren't good for Goldens, they probably aren't good for any breeds.
But, apparently the jury's still out. Or at the very least they feel there are enough unknowns to warrant additional investigation. Despite the long day I was happy to participate and the highlight came when I had a chance to speak with the cardiologist and receive my preliminary reports. Both Ritz and Majestic continue to have strong healthy hearts and normal echocardiograms. Blood was drawn as well for taurine levels BNP and genetic markers but those will be sent out and not available for some time.
All in all it was a good day. While waiting for my dogs I had a chance to chat with one of my pup pals who had his girl, Libby, there for the same study. The conversation definitely helped pass the time and it was great to see Joe and one of my pups in the flesh. Have seen quite a few photos of her but it's just not quite the same as the real deal.
I wrapped up the day tending to the pups first- then moved on to my own who were happy to see me and eager to eat.
Then we opened the Chewy box! We have a tendency to move through toys pretty rapidly so when I buy I usually buy in bulk. The kids like their Hol-ee Rollers and I ike the JW products. I find most to be pretty Doberman worthy!