Well it's late once again but I finally got every bodies pages updated with a fresh photo. For the most part they are all incredibly adorable to say the least!!! Baby Blue and Ditto seriously deserve re-takes and I'll take care of that tomorrow. Sorry Kristin, I know how much you look forward the the new photos! Trust me though, Ditto is still adorable... and playful. These guys are non-stop now and are getting very good at "follow me"! It's becoming increasingly difficult to get a clear shot! Soon the job will be yours and you'll understand what I'm talking about! ;-) I'm working with a new camera... well not exactly new, but new to me. Still unsure of the settings. I tried to upload a photo into photo shop in order to lighten it and received a message the file was too large. Today's photos also took a long time to upload. Hopefully they aren't so large they bog down the site. I checked the camera settings and adjusted the size for the next go round but don't know much about it so it's trial and error. Had planned to incorporate today's "extras" into a photo stream but they just take too long. By the way, in case I forgot to mention it, your dogs are adorable and incredibly sweet!!!
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