Shine graduated her her basic obedience class last week and we followed up by obtaining her Canine Good Citizen certificate last weekend. She passed with ease, making me very proud. Our obedience instructor fell in love with her early on in class and routinely used her as the demonstrator dog. Also made me proud and was fun to watch her in action handled by someone other than myself.
Duke was having some issues with overnight accidents in his crate. Very unusual for him. Took him to the vet where he was diagnosed with a UTI. First time I've experience the problem with a dog and my mind was racing with all sorts of ailments he "could" have had after researching the topic online. Never could I have imagined I'd ever be happy to hear diagnosis off UTI. Fortunately he's responding well to antibiotics and the issue seems to be resolving. Hopefully no further issues in the future.
Sunday Galtero celebrated his fifth birthday. Seems like it was just yesterday when he was a pup!
I generally like to take my dogs on an outing and do a birthday photoshoot with them but the weather Sunday wasn't the least bit cooperative for either. I got his photo shoot done yesterday but kind of think he could benefit from a redo. He's a beautiful dog with amazing movement but I seem to have difficulty capturing him with a camera. I got a couple good ones but took many. He doesn't stand still long enough to grab a good shot unless he's laying at my feet or peeing on something. Historically I've found the girls easier to photograph.
As far as the pups go, they've changed pretty drastically over the course of the week. While they still sleep the bulk of the time, when awake their ability to propel themselves around the whelping box has taken a huge leap! Walking well and at times trotting around. But their sense of hearing has brought about the biggest change. They hear things, such as a video played near them on phone, and the entire pack gets to barking. And they're responding well to my voice which is something I always look forward to. I talk to them, and they quickly perk up and look my direction. I believe their hearing is far more advanced than their actual eyesight is at this point. Eyes have been open for a while but acuity continues to develop for some time.
As far as form goes, they're beginning to lose their roly-poly look and are looking like little Dobermans. Cuter by the day. Both in look and function.
I took quite a few pics of them mid week but when I uploaded to the computer I was pretty disappointed with the results. The orange blanket I had them of cast an odd shadow around them. I guess due to the use of flash and the blankets fluorescence. Lessons learned. I guess going forward I'll have to find a different use for that particular cover. General purpose dog blanket maybe.
With that, I've got the best of what I've got... I grabbed a few more photos yesterday after discovering the ones I took earlier in the week weren't up to par.
Hope everyone has a happy and festive Thanksgiving. I think I'm down to one last quick trip to the store and I'm set to do it up!
A work in progress but will have them up by this evening.