Over the course of the past week or so, a little more actually, between monitoring Getka and her new babes I managed to put together a second whelping box. Fortunately I learned some pretty valuable construction (and basic electrical) skills from my mom prior to her passing. I think I might have forgotten a step though. While cutting the boards for the side walls of the box my saw shorted out. I looked at the cord that had accidentally been cut and repaired during my last project and discovered the mend, covered with electrical tape, appeared melted. Needing to get the project done I was dreading a two hour to and fro trip into town. I looked again to see if I could maybe perform another surgery and in looking I realized I had previously allowed the hot and cold wires to come in contact with each other. Bad move and the reason for the failed fix. As I ventured into a second repair I quickly remembered, also, why you always disconnect the appliance from the power source before touching. Fortunately the appliance I was working on doesn't carry much of a jolt... and actually none I would work on would. I refuse to tackle a 220 project. But a 110 doesn't carry much of a punch. Fortunately. Following a little more handy work..... this time done correctly, I was back up and running and was able to avoid that dreaded trip into town. And live to tell about it.
I enjoy construction. Maybe not as much as I enjoy raising pups. But I do enjoy it.
Originally I had planned to set Ritz up in my computer room but as my project was nearing completion the thought of having my girl, any of my girls, not whelp along side my bed.... in the middle of the night.... began to weigh on me. The original plan was a solid one and I'm sure would have been fine. I was prepared to make myself a temporary bed in the computer room. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to move Getka into the computer room and keep Ritz bedside with me for the whelping process. So that's what we've done. Getka was disrupted with the move momentarily but she and her pups have settled well into their new habitat. Phew! Freeing up the space along side my bed, all is once again right in the world. And good... in the land of pups!!!
And the blue, white and pink piggy on the headboard? Well, it's been with me since I was a baby. My first piggy bank. It's not going anywhere either! I'm old school. Maybe an old soul. Or maybe.... just getting old. And attempting to hold on to a chunk of the past.