In Blue's honor... But also due to it being National Blueberry Pie today, in addition (mostly) to the fact that I still have some recently picked blueberries -I prepared and just pulled one out of the oven. Hoping it's good. Historically I've not been a huge fan of Blueberries but my tastes have changed over the years.
While my cousin was here and we were locked down for the most part, I did some work on an old gazebo, aka my "creepy" gazebo, that's been a long and ongoing project. Benefits of which are two fold.... a nice spot for a dog or two in addition to an added spot to enjoy myself. Unfortunately, I left Dazzle and Jess out there a bit two long one day and Dazzle proceeded to do some digging around the block work I did last year. Dealing with her idea of improvements which differ slightly from my own, is on the soon to do list too. I have a couple weeks left before the pups basically require all of my attention.
The pups though are absolutely getting cuter and more interesting by the day. More mobile and animated. A little barking and a glimpse of personality. Today they'll receive their first dose of de-wormer and a nail clip. They've been getting regular cuddles and if I climb in and sit in the whelping box with them they're now maneuvering over to get close. Sweetness overload.

the wee ones are beginning to look like little Dobermans!!!