Well, things are starting to happen... slow but sure. Some of you may have noticed the selection process has commenced... and some of you are likely sitting on the edge of your seat.... Erica came for a visit last night and got things rolling by selecting her pup. Orange girl became Violet, as in the flower not the color, by the end of her visit! It seems Erica secretly selected Orange long ago but of course wanted a chance to visit the pack in action before solidifying her decision. Julie must have some kind of mental telepathy because she text-ed me right as I sat down to the computer to post the results of the evening. But it was Adam up next and since it was getting somewhat late and I'm not overly familiar with anyone's schedule, she had to settle for a text to Adam with a hope of a quick return call. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at that household. I'm not sure who's more excited Julie or her girls... I'm sure Dad was excited and anxious too. But as it turns out, we all have different schedules and a quick answer wasn't in the cards. I received Adam's text sent @ 4am when I woke up this morning. Adam chose one of the two girls he had his eye on during his visit a couple weeks ago and Julie also, selected one of two pups she and her family were drawn to during their visit... Specifically, Yellow goes to Adam with the lovely name of Siri and Purple, now Raven will be heading home with Julie.
And that brings us to Brian.... As I'm sure some of you noticed, I posted a call to action directed Brian's way after attempting to reach him by phone only to receive a recorded message and a non-working number. Sadly, It's been a few days now and I've received no response. I must say I'm surprised and somewhat concerned and hope he's O.K. I'm not really sure how to proceed at this point. My sister suggested I send a certified letter which I feel would be a wise move and one I plan to complete Monday. Since I've not yet heard from Brian, I don't really expect I will. But, I also feel I need to hold his position for selection in the unlikely event he surfaces. I'm also torn on what to do with the pup in question but have considered strongly the possibility of keeping her. I'm a firm believer that things generally happen for a reason. I'll make a final decision early this week but at this point in time my plan is to assume Brian's position for selection and will choose which pup to hold back early this week. I'll open things up for all remaining decisions to be made a couple days prior to to crop in the event anyone would like input regarding tweaking the style of their pups' crop. After much consideration, this is the best possible solution I've been able to come up with pertaining to this unanticipated development.
And that brings us to Brian.... As I'm sure some of you noticed, I posted a call to action directed Brian's way after attempting to reach him by phone only to receive a recorded message and a non-working number. Sadly, It's been a few days now and I've received no response. I must say I'm surprised and somewhat concerned and hope he's O.K. I'm not really sure how to proceed at this point. My sister suggested I send a certified letter which I feel would be a wise move and one I plan to complete Monday. Since I've not yet heard from Brian, I don't really expect I will. But, I also feel I need to hold his position for selection in the unlikely event he surfaces. I'm also torn on what to do with the pup in question but have considered strongly the possibility of keeping her. I'm a firm believer that things generally happen for a reason. I'll make a final decision early this week but at this point in time my plan is to assume Brian's position for selection and will choose which pup to hold back early this week. I'll open things up for all remaining decisions to be made a couple days prior to to crop in the event anyone would like input regarding tweaking the style of their pups' crop. After much consideration, this is the best possible solution I've been able to come up with pertaining to this unanticipated development.