Sorry this post is coming so late in the evening but as I said before... all is well and on schedule. We had a bit of an unpredicted event on the way home and in order to save some time with my update I'm simply going to copy and paste the Facebook post I wrote regarding my thoughts on birthdays, friends, and unexpected events... Sharon and Jared who I mention in the post are great friends whom I now consider extended family members in a way. They are part of the got my back doberman family. I met them a little over a year ago when they arrived to stake claim on a pup from a prior litter. They chose Pink, a.k.a. KatieScarlett, a very special dog made special by some very special people. The other person I mention, Jennifer is another member of the same family. She and her family have Purple; a.k.a. Noble... another Special dog... one who decided not to grow mid way through her time with me. Noble was placed in foster care when it became evident she was becoming too small to fend for herself in the midst of her siblings who were outgrowing her in what became a vicious circle. She has since grown up and all but caught up to Remedy in size... and she's gorgeous.... I've met some great people, now friends, through my breeding program and fortunately I'm able to keep up with some of the pups via those friendships. it's been an continues to be a rewarding experience.
So... on to my FB post and the day's events....
Thanks, each and every one of you for the birthday wishes. New friends and old, it's always a pleasure to hear from you and take a walk down that very special place called memory lane!
I was asked of my plans for for the day and I must say, for me, my birthday is much the same as any other day... a day where stuff often needs doing, When the stuff is done, regardless of the day, it's time to celebrate... That's my world.
Today, my birthday... I made plans as usual ... unconventional maybe, but plans none the less! But you know, and I know that what's said of plans is too often true... And so the story goes...
Today my stuff to do included a six pack of pups that were scheduled for their breed specific session of beautification. My plans did not include traveling down I-75 in a car I discovered was overheating. The scenarios was frightening... a hot car, an extremely hot day, some precious cargo fresh out of surgery and miles between us and the safety of home. I did something quite unlike me... something I probably wouldn't have done had it not been for something bigger than me. My pups. I reached out and asked for help. I knew I was in fairly close proximity to a lifeline, a lifeline I called on. And today, I have reason to celebrate. I celebrate not stuff, but the people in my life. And with that, I'd like to send out a special thanks to Sharon and Jared K Hohenberg who came to our rescue. You are not only lifesavers but true and valued friends. I appreciate you and we will celebrate...
I came across this post on Jennifer's wall and it reminded me, of course, of your prompt and caring response. Thank You!
Now... back to the business at hand, your pups... Harmony, as planned has left the den and with luck on her side was able to avoid the whole stuck in the back of the truck for a while ordeal. She was sweet and cuddly when greeted and claimed by Sally Beth. She even snuck in a kiss or too. Sally sent me some photos of them bonding in the car on their way home... dog in lap and daughter driiving... I'm sure I'll be hearing much more from them in the days ahead.
The rest of the six pack, excluding Pink, who will be staying with me just a bit longer, are officially legal with health certs in paw and ready to meet their families tomorrow. Again, I tried to take some photos of them, this time donning their new gear and look. Most were very blurry and the rest various shades of blurry but I'll post the best of what I've got. As you can see, they are basically unfazed by their newly acquired head gear. They had their play and now they're pooped... And segregated. The haves, the ones with hats, in one pup corral and the have nots, the ones without, in another corral. And as usual, their part of the house is in good shape and my part remains a mess... Next week brings a whole new challenge. Getting things back in order.
And there you have it....
Our Day
In A Nutshell