I picked both of these items up at Dr McBrides office today and I can definitely recommend them both for quality and competitive pricing. And no, before you ask, I don't get any kick backs.... Just sharing my experience. Antlers are fairly expensive but last an incredibly long time. Elk far longer than Deer. Dobermans are pretty strong chewers. The one pictured here was $23 and measures roughly 9 1/2 inches long by 3 1/4 inch at the widest part by about 1 1/2 inches deep. It's a big antler... probably bigger than the pups need right now but she has some smaller ones with smaller prices too. I love them first because they're all natural and second because they seem to be about the safest chewy I've tried on my dogs. I mention them because I've seen much smaller antlers with significantly larger price tags. For those of you that will be following up with Dr McBride throughout, it's something you could pick up at any time. For those of you that plan to follow up only once, you might want to check them out when you go.
As far as the collars go, they are fabric covered prong training collars. Obviously your pups are way too young for such an apparatus now and will be for some time. But, they're a great tool and very humane when used appropriately. These are made by one of Dr McBrides clients if I'm not mistaken and are put together very well. I have a couple of them due to having both a male and female dogs and a desire for a proper fit for each. Serious takes the 5 to a side prong and the girls the four as pictured. I had to pick up a new one today because I left it on Remedy one day while I was on the phone and she chewed the leash loop clean off! Remember what I said about being strong chewers... she got the job done pretty quick. The main reason I like these though is because the fabric cover prevents the prongs from coming apart which I've had happen with a regular prong. I know everyone will be looking at forking out some money for things that are needed for the here and now and may not want to buy something you can't use for several months but I was told by a friend that the lady that makes them has a website so you might want to inquire if they have her card at the office. They aren't cheap; $45.00 but I think they're well worth the money...
Then when you get your dogs all grown up and trained up and want a "going out" collar.... something with a little style and flair like the ones pictured below... I absolutely love the custom collars made by Ella's Lead... they can be found at ellaslead.com or on Facebook @ Ella's Lead. A little pricey but not bad. Far better prices than some I've seen. And better quality.
As far as the collars go, they are fabric covered prong training collars. Obviously your pups are way too young for such an apparatus now and will be for some time. But, they're a great tool and very humane when used appropriately. These are made by one of Dr McBrides clients if I'm not mistaken and are put together very well. I have a couple of them due to having both a male and female dogs and a desire for a proper fit for each. Serious takes the 5 to a side prong and the girls the four as pictured. I had to pick up a new one today because I left it on Remedy one day while I was on the phone and she chewed the leash loop clean off! Remember what I said about being strong chewers... she got the job done pretty quick. The main reason I like these though is because the fabric cover prevents the prongs from coming apart which I've had happen with a regular prong. I know everyone will be looking at forking out some money for things that are needed for the here and now and may not want to buy something you can't use for several months but I was told by a friend that the lady that makes them has a website so you might want to inquire if they have her card at the office. They aren't cheap; $45.00 but I think they're well worth the money...
Then when you get your dogs all grown up and trained up and want a "going out" collar.... something with a little style and flair like the ones pictured below... I absolutely love the custom collars made by Ella's Lead... they can be found at ellaslead.com or on Facebook @ Ella's Lead. A little pricey but not bad. Far better prices than some I've seen. And better quality.
And it you want to go all out they make matching leads too!