Brittany spent a good chunk of time retrieving pups from the bushes and from the pump house. The pups have recently discovered the hole in the siding that allows access into that closed space and are quite intrigued by what lies within which in all honesty is essentially nothing. Calvin came equipped with camera and I drug out my own.
Regarding the job at hand... both Calvin and Brit have their hearts set on a large dog. As a result, they centered their attention on Green and Yellow while Brown scampered around attempting to pick pockets and untie their and my laces. As I've said before, I don't think Brown will end up small but for the day... it was all about Green and Yellow. I didn't envy their need to select just one. Of all the dogs in the litter, Yellow and Green are the two that most resemble each other. The only obvious difference, the collars they wear. Brittany was hoping that one of the two would select her. Unfortunately, not only do the pups resemble each other in looks, they also resemble each other in personality and level of energy. While they were here, hoping for some sort of sign, I snapped some photos of the process and a few of Brown.

With Calvin and Brittany's choice behind us, I called Jen to let her know her time to choose was finally here. She and Corey have secretly been watching Yellow and Green from the beginning so their choice, Green, was the obvious and expected one. They've chosen the name of Bosworth or "Boz" for short.
Here's Brown a.k.a. Niko!
That leaves just a short time and opportunity to take a few more photos and play... Currently, while I blog away, the pups are enjoying their breakfast on the porch attached to the smaller dog run. I'll work on obtaining one last set of weights and a set of individual photos throughout the day. With any luck at all I'll likely get through half of them. I'll likely finish things up tomorrow.