The pups are getting rambunctious and trying to get to mom on their terms rather than hers. I found the first one out of the pup box yesterday and a few more today when I returned from the Vet. I've got the area around the box padded to cushion their tumble when they start to venture out but the point of having a box is to keep them corralled and safe. This litter is right on time if not a little ahead of schedule. I'd like to get them settled this evening but have a little too much on my plate to fit it in. First up a meeting and then a meet up with Sharon and Jared and a visit with Skye Blue. Sharon has decided to keep Blue, aka Ruffi till Monday since I'd likely be returning him to her Thursday night anyway. She gives him straight A's on his report card though. It sounds that developmentally he's progressing as the others and is picking up some noticeable weight. I'll take the scale with me tonight and find out just how much.... Right after I fill by belly with Sam St Johns all you can eat Crab Legs and fixin's. A well deserved treat for Sharon and Jared for their troubles and a treat for myself too because I don't allow them often enough! As far as the pack goes, I'll get them set up in their new habitat tomorrow. In the meantime, it's the Puppy Shuffle which is a take off from something I mastered living in the bay area, the very similar and familiar Stingray Shuffle.
I've got a few photos of the pups gnawing on each other and doing other puppy stuff but I'm out of time for now. I'll get them loaded this evening... cheers!
I've got a few photos of the pups gnawing on each other and doing other puppy stuff but I'm out of time for now. I'll get them loaded this evening... cheers!