So we had another full and enjoyable day and we're narrowing things down. Things were a little out of order but easily enough remedied. Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and plans meet a change.
Xavier, originally scheduled to select yesterday found the curve ball and needed to reschedule his turn @ pick-a-pup. I, just as well as the next know things come up and appreciate understanding when they do. I like to play fair and fair in this case was to request Lisa and Thomas select not one but two pups and allow Xavier to maintain his position for selection. As I expected they would be, they were understanding and proceeded to make their selections. Their choices though, I've decided will remain a secret between they and I, unless they themselves choose to share them.
Anyway this is how the day played out.... Lisa and her hubby arrived early this morning for the first round of puppy play. Lots of cuddles happened and lots of photos were taken. I always find it funny, despite all the photos I post, everyone seems to want to take their own. It's basically universal. Also, it always kind of amazes me that no matter how many pups are in the pot to choose from, the challenge of choosing just one carries about the same level of challenge. Doesn't matter if there are eight or two. While I know it and have said it in the past, the difficulty observed in itself proves there isn't a bad pup in the bunch. At this age they're really very similar and truth be told they tend to grow up fairly similar too. At least that's been my experience with previous litters.
After Lisa and Thomas left I set the boys up in their little outdoor habitat to rest up while I did a few outdoor chores. Xavier arrived about an hour later but the pups were still somewhat in siesta mode. They were wakeful but far from fully animated. One pup in particular though kind of seemed to engage and then settle with him. A couple hours later with all pups settled Xavier informed me of his choice. Just before leaving he bent down to give Irish some love. And up rears Blue to attack his hand. I watched and said, hmmm, I think he's saying, "hey wait- I thought you said you chose me." Xavier said ha! yeah!, or something to that effect. It was noticeable. And that's how it came to be. Blue collared boy became Bronx and Xavier, like the rest of you, is anxious to get his pup under one roof. The roof they'll share.
With Xavier's selection behind him, I called Lisa and the next pup of the pack to be selected was Orange whom will carry the name Bose!
Roughly half hour after Xavier left, Jon and Lindsey arrived to entertain the pups. They had their job cut out for them though as the pups, now with full bellies and the day growing long, had ventured from siesta mode into a state of deep sleep. Jon and Lindsey's visit reminded me a bit of Jordan and Daimeun's visit of yesterday. The same challenge. Trying to select from a pile of sleeping pups. Fortunately though, no one has been in any particular hurry so we've spent quite a bit of time talking, watching and waiting. Historically pups only sleep so long and as they went down, together as a group, they spring back to animation. The past couple days have taken their toll though and their stamina... well lets just say it isn't yet quite what it will be a few weeks down the road.
Finally, this evenings exercise in patience paid off and another selection was made. Black collared boy has been given the name Zeus! Zeus IV -and will soon be warming the hearts and home of Lindsey and Jon with his presence.
I'm happy to report my recruitment efforts paid off today too. Our litter page is growing with todays addition of Jon, Lindsey and Xavier. Lisa who doesn't carry a facebook account says she'll look into setting one up for the purpose of the page.... It's happened before and I hope it happens again. We're getting closer to having a representative or two for each pup of the litter. A good day!
Doberman people, I decided long ago, are good people. And with each passing litter, through the people I meet, that observation is reconfirmed. Below are pics of todays selections as they occurred. Missing is one of Bose and his people but we'll have another chance the day he joins his family.
Xavier, originally scheduled to select yesterday found the curve ball and needed to reschedule his turn @ pick-a-pup. I, just as well as the next know things come up and appreciate understanding when they do. I like to play fair and fair in this case was to request Lisa and Thomas select not one but two pups and allow Xavier to maintain his position for selection. As I expected they would be, they were understanding and proceeded to make their selections. Their choices though, I've decided will remain a secret between they and I, unless they themselves choose to share them.
Anyway this is how the day played out.... Lisa and her hubby arrived early this morning for the first round of puppy play. Lots of cuddles happened and lots of photos were taken. I always find it funny, despite all the photos I post, everyone seems to want to take their own. It's basically universal. Also, it always kind of amazes me that no matter how many pups are in the pot to choose from, the challenge of choosing just one carries about the same level of challenge. Doesn't matter if there are eight or two. While I know it and have said it in the past, the difficulty observed in itself proves there isn't a bad pup in the bunch. At this age they're really very similar and truth be told they tend to grow up fairly similar too. At least that's been my experience with previous litters.
After Lisa and Thomas left I set the boys up in their little outdoor habitat to rest up while I did a few outdoor chores. Xavier arrived about an hour later but the pups were still somewhat in siesta mode. They were wakeful but far from fully animated. One pup in particular though kind of seemed to engage and then settle with him. A couple hours later with all pups settled Xavier informed me of his choice. Just before leaving he bent down to give Irish some love. And up rears Blue to attack his hand. I watched and said, hmmm, I think he's saying, "hey wait- I thought you said you chose me." Xavier said ha! yeah!, or something to that effect. It was noticeable. And that's how it came to be. Blue collared boy became Bronx and Xavier, like the rest of you, is anxious to get his pup under one roof. The roof they'll share.
With Xavier's selection behind him, I called Lisa and the next pup of the pack to be selected was Orange whom will carry the name Bose!
Roughly half hour after Xavier left, Jon and Lindsey arrived to entertain the pups. They had their job cut out for them though as the pups, now with full bellies and the day growing long, had ventured from siesta mode into a state of deep sleep. Jon and Lindsey's visit reminded me a bit of Jordan and Daimeun's visit of yesterday. The same challenge. Trying to select from a pile of sleeping pups. Fortunately though, no one has been in any particular hurry so we've spent quite a bit of time talking, watching and waiting. Historically pups only sleep so long and as they went down, together as a group, they spring back to animation. The past couple days have taken their toll though and their stamina... well lets just say it isn't yet quite what it will be a few weeks down the road.
Finally, this evenings exercise in patience paid off and another selection was made. Black collared boy has been given the name Zeus! Zeus IV -and will soon be warming the hearts and home of Lindsey and Jon with his presence.
I'm happy to report my recruitment efforts paid off today too. Our litter page is growing with todays addition of Jon, Lindsey and Xavier. Lisa who doesn't carry a facebook account says she'll look into setting one up for the purpose of the page.... It's happened before and I hope it happens again. We're getting closer to having a representative or two for each pup of the litter. A good day!
Doberman people, I decided long ago, are good people. And with each passing litter, through the people I meet, that observation is reconfirmed. Below are pics of todays selections as they occurred. Missing is one of Bose and his people but we'll have another chance the day he joins his family.