Well, Finally I'm getting to the head shots I spoke of earlier in the week and shot nearly a week ago now. But better late than never as they say. The pups are a bit dirty. Most evident on close up. Combination of dirt and remnants of lunch. Thought I'd captured them all but found in review a few were all a blur so I took them out the next day for purpose of a close up. Even so a couple are still a bit blurry. Cute babes regardless!
Hope everyone fared well with the storm. Most of you are south of me so maybe slept through the worst of the weather? For a Hurricane Elsa didn't pack much of a punch. At least not around here. More rain... lots more rain but not unlike that which we've received most days the past month. Survey of the property and parameter this afternoon found all trees still standing and no fences down. A pleasant sight to see. And fortunately we've not lost power. A brief flicker and a fairly strong band and a few gusts early this morning but that was it. A flicker and right back on.
I had to go into town this morning and was surprised how lightly travelled the roads were. Surprised too to see how many businesses, including fast food joints, were closed. Schools too. Guess everyone anticipated more than we got. Always good to prepare for the worst and hope for the best I suppose. My preparations were fairly non existent outside of making sure all buckets and trough were full in the event we lost power.
So, one down... I wonder how many more to go for the year? Path and severity? The joys of Florida living!
One nice feature of the storm was the lead in. The calm before the storm as they say. Andrew's wife, Meredith and their two boys came to select their girl Monday. Just prior to their arrival we had a drizzle but a rain free visit and basically a beautiful day after. Another long romp in the yard for the pups and some hangin' out time in the small dog run off the back of the house later in the day. Yesterday was nice too and they again enjoyed their free range time.
Meredith and the boys chose Red... and Copper made me out to be a liar. After all the talk I've had about her loyalty and stick-to-me-ness I didn't hold a candle to the boys. She latched on to them and her ears were at that time deaf to my voice. Hurt my feelings a little but I've forgiven her. :-)
Yesterday evening I was able to get some mowing done...after fixing the mower! At least the area right around the house. Much needed as the pups were to the point of being half hidden in the length of grass. Didn't bother them but doesn't make for good photos! Last time I mowed I had some trouble getting the thing to go after turning it off. It would start right up but when the handles were brought in to engage, the engine would immediately shut off. Did a quick google search and narrowed the likely problem down to some safety switches. Seat and each steering lever. Went out and jiggled a few wires and connections and was able to get it housed properly. Did a little more research later same night regarding replacement wires and switches and came across a very promising YouTube video. That video came in handy yesterday when I encountered the same problem. The guys explained the problem of corrosion at the connection and suggested cleaning them with a very thin file and then cleaning same connections with sandpaper. Fortunately my neighbor had a set of tiny files he lent me and I went to work. Carl's been great about helping me keep my mower up and running and is an all around great neighbor. He's fixed the thing and a few tires multiple times. But I try, at least, to figure things out on my own before bothering him. YouTube, it turns out is a great source for information and direction. Including direction for a successful tape and post. Some pretty good trainers on there too!
I'll work on getting the pup pages updated this evening... They're late even though I started them early and finished in a timely fashion this week. Gotta get them up there though because it's nearly time to start on a fresh batch. Nearly seven weeks old already! I can hardly believe it!!!
Hope everyone fared well with the storm. Most of you are south of me so maybe slept through the worst of the weather? For a Hurricane Elsa didn't pack much of a punch. At least not around here. More rain... lots more rain but not unlike that which we've received most days the past month. Survey of the property and parameter this afternoon found all trees still standing and no fences down. A pleasant sight to see. And fortunately we've not lost power. A brief flicker and a fairly strong band and a few gusts early this morning but that was it. A flicker and right back on.
I had to go into town this morning and was surprised how lightly travelled the roads were. Surprised too to see how many businesses, including fast food joints, were closed. Schools too. Guess everyone anticipated more than we got. Always good to prepare for the worst and hope for the best I suppose. My preparations were fairly non existent outside of making sure all buckets and trough were full in the event we lost power.
So, one down... I wonder how many more to go for the year? Path and severity? The joys of Florida living!
One nice feature of the storm was the lead in. The calm before the storm as they say. Andrew's wife, Meredith and their two boys came to select their girl Monday. Just prior to their arrival we had a drizzle but a rain free visit and basically a beautiful day after. Another long romp in the yard for the pups and some hangin' out time in the small dog run off the back of the house later in the day. Yesterday was nice too and they again enjoyed their free range time.
Meredith and the boys chose Red... and Copper made me out to be a liar. After all the talk I've had about her loyalty and stick-to-me-ness I didn't hold a candle to the boys. She latched on to them and her ears were at that time deaf to my voice. Hurt my feelings a little but I've forgiven her. :-)
Yesterday evening I was able to get some mowing done...after fixing the mower! At least the area right around the house. Much needed as the pups were to the point of being half hidden in the length of grass. Didn't bother them but doesn't make for good photos! Last time I mowed I had some trouble getting the thing to go after turning it off. It would start right up but when the handles were brought in to engage, the engine would immediately shut off. Did a quick google search and narrowed the likely problem down to some safety switches. Seat and each steering lever. Went out and jiggled a few wires and connections and was able to get it housed properly. Did a little more research later same night regarding replacement wires and switches and came across a very promising YouTube video. That video came in handy yesterday when I encountered the same problem. The guys explained the problem of corrosion at the connection and suggested cleaning them with a very thin file and then cleaning same connections with sandpaper. Fortunately my neighbor had a set of tiny files he lent me and I went to work. Carl's been great about helping me keep my mower up and running and is an all around great neighbor. He's fixed the thing and a few tires multiple times. But I try, at least, to figure things out on my own before bothering him. YouTube, it turns out is a great source for information and direction. Including direction for a successful tape and post. Some pretty good trainers on there too!
I'll work on getting the pup pages updated this evening... They're late even though I started them early and finished in a timely fashion this week. Gotta get them up there though because it's nearly time to start on a fresh batch. Nearly seven weeks old already! I can hardly believe it!!!