The pups are beginning to plump up a bit. A couple of them seem to have really undergone a growth spurt past few days. A few, at a glance, appear a little smaller but all are doing well. Due for another round of weights tomorrow.
They've changed quite a bit over the course of the week. Not as evident in photos I don't think, as it is watching their whole being. I'm beginning to hear an occasional bark rather than just moans, groans and squeaks. And what was originally heard as somewhat of a purr seems to be turning to somewhat of a growl. They're constantly testing their little voices. And their legs. For the most part they're figuring out how to use them. Last night as I was hanging out with the pack while catching an episode of my current series, I witnessed one of the red and rust pups actually walk the entire length of the whelp box, turn and walk back the other direction. Pretty advanced for his age. His mobility's outpacing that of all his siblings. The others aren't far behind -but for the most part continue to drag their bellies. While their legs are beginning to work in unison, their movement still resembles more of a crawl.
Finally got Ritz's set up complete yesterday but have already decided a change of plan is in best interest of all. I think I mentioned in comment somewhere along the way I planned to have Ritz whelp in my computer room providing her with her own suite. The room is separated from the rest of the house by half doors. Figured I would camp out on a chair/ottoman combo for the first couple nights. It's a solid plan, but I think worthy of an adjustment. I really like to have my brand new moms set up next to my bed. More comfortable for me and it's what they've grown accustomed to. Therefore probably more comfortable for them too. Kind of sticking with the old motto of "if it's not broken, don't fix it".
New plan... I've moved Getka and the babes into the "suite" and I'm in the process of setting Ritz up in my bedroom. I plan to complete that task this afternoon so Getka has a chance to get resettled with the new arrangement before night falls. Seems to be doing well so far. I'll spend the night on the chair ottoman combo if I sense any uneasiness. Don't think I will though. And at the moment, one night of that chair and ottoman set up sounds far better than several. For the most part, I can sleep through anything.... hurricanes, thunderstorms, alarm clocks etc. etc. But the sound of a tiny pup will wake me up every time. And a muffled sound is easy to pick up if they're right next to you. Important in the first few days of life.
So that's the plan. New digs for the babes! 3 more weeks and their set up and location will change once again! Creating flexibility.... :-)
Thanks for your responses to the pickup schedule. Pending any unforeseen circumstances I think the schedule is set. Jennifer, Bev and Sherry all know each other, live in the same general area and plan to carpool. They're set for pickup on the 17th, along with Andrew, April and Miguel.
The pups selected by Mike, Dalanda, Mitch, Rod and Lori along with the pup I'm holding back, in the event I do hold back, will have their crops done on the 20th for a pick up date of the 21st. Hope that works for all.
As far as the selection process goes, The 6 week mark, which normally marks the start of the selection process lands on the 4th of July weekend. Seems I'm pretty good at hitting holidays. Either with births, cropping schedules or pick up dates.
Anyway, the first appointment for selection has been set. Rod, with his wife Wanda plan to arrive July 3rd to chose their girl. With so many girls in the litter it's important for everyone to look at their schedules and set a date that allows for all to get here before the pups go for their crops. I spoke with Lori this afternoon and after speaking with her husband she'll get back with me on a date that works for them. We'll go from there. Timing isn't as critical for the boys.