Seems I can't get away from fire. Tonight with temps forecast to once again fall into the unseasonable cool twenties I think we'll be burning indoors! As much as I dislike the cold sometimes it's a good thing as it forces me indoors. Cleaning and brushing my Affie top the agenda for the day. Later in the week, once it warms up, I'll likely find myself back in the pit. I've got a fairly good handle on the leaves with the exception of the very back of the property and now it's time pick up the catkins... At least they're light and fluffy and tend to dry and burn quickly.
So, it's good to see a couple of you have discovered the blog that will carry us through the next few months. But as a result I found myself forced into action as I had a request to post a photo of Majestic. Fortunately she and the camera are both generally in close proximity so it's an easy request to fulfill. I did have to leave my chair for a moment to grab the tool before before setting my sites on my subject. Seems I'm not the only one that dislikes the cold. Too cold today for anybody to want to stay out for long. So as they are, curled up in their favorite chair, I present Majestic showing her baby bump in front, with her buddy Skye flanking her.
Hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to collect an abundance of wood from the shed and from there, with brush in hand and Affie in lap I'll attempt to bring some order to the tangled mess I call Khya.
So, it's good to see a couple of you have discovered the blog that will carry us through the next few months. But as a result I found myself forced into action as I had a request to post a photo of Majestic. Fortunately she and the camera are both generally in close proximity so it's an easy request to fulfill. I did have to leave my chair for a moment to grab the tool before before setting my sites on my subject. Seems I'm not the only one that dislikes the cold. Too cold today for anybody to want to stay out for long. So as they are, curled up in their favorite chair, I present Majestic showing her baby bump in front, with her buddy Skye flanking her.
Hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to collect an abundance of wood from the shed and from there, with brush in hand and Affie in lap I'll attempt to bring some order to the tangled mess I call Khya.