I may have a post or two prior whelping but as the time draws near I hope you'll check in from time to time for the announcement of our new additions. It's an exciting time and sharing in the excitement I'm quick to post updates and photos. Majestic is due to whelp April 1st. Yep, that's correct April Fools day. We shall see. She may have them then or maybe a day or two either side of that date. One things for sure though... I will be playing no April fools day jokes here.
While I wait for pups I try and get the home base and grounds as situated as possible. Today was another of many spent burning leaves. With four acres a bunch of oaks, my personal pack and a couple horses there is always something to tend to. Add in a litter of pups and some of those things -generally the house, and grounds tend to sit on simmer. Pups become my focus and raising them is something I truly enjoy.
So... welcome to the blog! Please join me in wishing Majestic a continued uneventful pregnancy, an easy delivery and a pack of healthy Doberman pups!