Some may be wondering "wow... what happened to the lead up?" It's not that I've been slacking but past events have got me thinking maybe it's best not to get ahead of oneself. Counting chickens before they hatch per say. While I try and be as transparent as possible with my pups and dogs I've decided sometimes it's best to wait to post until things have settled. Saves me the difficulty of writing about heartbreaking experiences and you from reading about them... Whelps that start out well but turn into emergency C-sections, pups that are born to small or too weak, for whatever reason, to carry on. All in all, over the years, I've been fairly lucky I'd say, but I've learned enough along to way to know breeding isn't for the faint of heart.
Happy to report though we have 7 healthy babes on the ground, lovingly cared for by myself but most importantly, at this point in time, by their doting momma Remedy. With one litter under her belt, she's proven herself capable of being a truly great mom. And history repeats as she's equally as doting, caring and loving with our current babes.
Pups arrived December 4th via C-section. While I hated the thought of surgery for Remedy, I kind of had to follow our Vets advise. I'm aware with each abdominal surgery whether human or animal, the development of adhesions are likely. Remedy is one of the aforementioned dogs who during her first litter required an emergency section. Trying to do everything possible to guarantee her safety, as well as the safe arrival of her current litter, I had an Xray done at the recommended 58 day mark. Based on Xray, presentation maybe, and her history of past section our Vet deemed planned surgery the best option. Fortunately all went well, mom and all pups came home later the same day and all are thriving. Unfortunately once opened up though, they found Remedy did in fact have some pretty severe adhesions. The result of her first section. Rather than a future litter, a spay is now recommended. And again, following our Vet's advise that's what will be done.
Many of you know, I held a pup back from Ritz's litter so timing is far from perfect for keeping a pup at this point in time. But after much deliberation and thought, I've decided to exercise my right as breeder to claim one of Remedy's girls. Prepared or not, I'm really not prepared to let Remedy's bloodline fizzle. Sometimes we just do what we need to do to make things work. That being said, I'm watching these pups along with each of you, and at one point down the road, I'll have to make the tough choice of "which one will it be". Rarely an easy decision.
So... the blog begins! I encourage each of you to comment along the way (click on comment tab) and to ask any questions you have that may arise along the way. I try and post pretty regularly and will be adding individual pup pages a few weeks down the line. I hope by following you enjoy watching the pups grow and change as much as I do.
And they are growing. I've already had to adjust their collars once. I obtained weights on day two as I generally do but unfortunately have misplaced the tablet or scratch paper I jotted them down on. A quick look around the house came up empty. If not found by the end of the day I'll obtain another set. I will say I was pleased with the numbers. All pups were between 15 ounces and 1 pound 4 ounces. The girls I recall... Pink 15 ounces and Yellow an even 1 pound. Several of the boys measured in at a pound as well. The others just over a pound to the mentioned 1 pound 4 ounces. All good sized pups!
Below are a few pics of our first few days, including the preparatory period. Colored collars have been placed on each and tails were docked on Friday.