The first few days after the pups arrived I spent quite a bit of time in the whelping room, aka my bedroom, watching TV for the sole purpose of making sure mom and pups were settled, nobody got layed on etc. Fortunately Remedy started out great and continues to be a stellar mom. And the pups are thriving!!! Acknowledging that fact was one of the highlights of my week!!!
The day the pups were scheduled to arrive, the 7th, my planned (without confirmed date) roofing project began. It's the way with roofers... one job to the next to the next, so somewhat difficult to give an exact start date I guess. But just about the time I was convinced the pups were safe for some extended periods in the care of only their mom, I was back again, sequestered to the bedroom to ease Remedy's mind about all the banging and hammering going on overhead. She was in fact a bit uneasy... fine as long as I was present. I think more than anything she was worried about me when I left her due to the presence of strangers and her lack of understanding of who they were and what they were doing here. Always the protectors!
Next night I noticed Ritz didn't seem to be feeling up to par. Not bad, but not herself. Monday morning I scheduled an appointment for Tuesday... next available. And Tuesday morning I woke to Ritz laying in a puddle of blood... reproductive problems or bladder... I wasn't sure but suspected reproductive. Considered tumor or possibly reaction to something toxic. Whatever it was I knew it wasn't good. I got dressed and headed, pre-appointment, to the Vets office. Unfortunately, or fortunately maybe for us, a woman walked into the office just ahead of us. Also a walk in. Her complaint... her dog hadn't been able to hold food for a couple days. Possible obstruction. In listening to the conversation between owner and Vet tech I learned the office was basically booked for the day and also that Xray wasn't available. "Might need to transport to sister office in Melrose". After considering options, my suspicion and what was and wasn't available I decided to place a call to my reproductive Vet rather than wait only to find out some needed services weren't available. Fortunately my explanation of Ritz's condition was taken seriously and I was told to come right in. There my suspicion was confirmed. Diagnosis Pyometra. A word no breeder ever wants to hear! Generally speaking treatment is typically somewhat of an emergent spay and quite a bit more involved than a normal spay. But there are a couple varieties... closed vs open Pyometra. And then treatment too is somewhat dependent on how quickly condition is identified. Between my Vet and I we've decided rather than to jump right into a spay, we'll do a 2 week regimen of some pretty hard core antibiotics and follow. I remain hopeful Ritz's breeding career isn't cut short but only time will tell. And by weeks end I'm happy to report she's looking and seems to be feeling much much better. If she eventually needs surgery I'd rather her go in generally healthy rather than sickly. If we've accomplished nothing else, at least we've accomplished that.
Then there's Skye... I removed her from my breeding program a little over a year ago based on a failed routine Holter recording. Shortly after receiving that report I followed up with an echocardiogram which she passed with flying colors. I then repeated her Holter 6 months later and fortunately received a favorable report there as well. Had hoped the first report, which I questioned at the time, was faulty and I could eventually add her back to my breeding program. But that's all a wash now. I'm in the process of my yearly Holters and once again, she's failed. Two strikes you're out and she's out. Three dogs down in the course of a week for a small breeding operation is a pretty major insult! Adding in the worry I carry for each of them gets to be a bit much. But we're survivors and keep trucking on... Quit is an option of very last resort.
On a more positive note... my roof is complete and looks fabulous! The pups are growing like weeds and things are starting to calm down around here! Thankfully!!!
Weights are posted. I'll add a few more pics tomorrow.