Historically this is the smallest litter I've brought forward... I greatly look forward to raising them up. Much easier following and influencing the life of 6 pups then it is double that. I regret though all pups of the litter weren't allowed to be brought forth. We sadly lost 2 girls, born still, here at home before making the call to seek assistance from UF. Remedy, although in no distress herself was laboring hard with minimal results. When pups came they came breech without sacs. Not a chance. Whelping sometimes goes smooth and unfortunately sometimes not. When losses come I cringe to witness them -as all I can think of is so much potential lost. Lives cut short before they've had a chance to begin. And then the process of making disappointing phone calls ensues. Remedy gave it her best and had we been able to save all pups in her litter she would have satisfied her list with the exception of two latecomers. One as recent, knowing it was a long shot, coming on board less than a week ago. As it stands, we fall much more short of that.
But forward we must go as we concentrate on what's good! Remedy is an amazing mom. I'm very proud of her!!! Gentle, attentive and dedicated to the welfare of her charge. The pups themselves came home strong and healthy and gaging size at a glance all seem to be relatively the same. I'll get their weights later this evening or tomorrow. And color them up with their individual collar colors. Today a day for rest and regeneration.
Doing Great - Post Op Day One