After last nights post I hadn't intended to add additional photos today but my natural inclination were pups are concerned is to grab the camera. So much more fun than cleaning or mowing which is what I had planned to do. :-) As a result here I sit once again with my trusty iMac. Tomorrow is another day. I still need to weigh the pups and hope to get this weeks results posted before hitting the hay. Tomorrow and Thursday my intention is to take each out solo and snap their week five individuals. Our first pup, a girl is scheduled to be chosen tomorrow. I'll have to check with Nick but since he's going to have to pick from the available photos I want to give him as much time as possible before I press him to choose. I'll be in touch with the rest of you soon, most likely by mid week next week to set up times for those of you that can and want to come see the pups. But for now... here they are as captured by the lens of my camera! Tonight I highlight Pink. She receives the day's award for striking the days most original and unique pose. Orange again received the award for "last pup standing" before siesta. Blue receives award of "rough-houser" and Red, "most inclined to play".
Update: Weights are gained, nails tipped and cuddles complete! These are some sweet sweet pups!!!