That being said, I've gotta tell ya, I'm having great difficulty with this weeks individual photos. These little darlings won't get out from underneath my feet. To make matters worse we're being eaten alive by the blasted yellow flies that have come back this year with a vengeance. Jana, if I'm not mistaken I think you and Stefan might remember them from last year! Ugh!
I did manage to get a few of the pups done today and will work on the others tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a little slide show of some photos I managed to capture during playtime today. Hard to get decent shots in group now too because the little buggers have gotten quite active. Some collars are visible and some not. They're all in there but I apologize if you don't see or recognize your bundle of joy in the sea of black and rust.
P.S. The water bowl started out clean but the pups did a good job of leaving their mark on it. I think some of them are destined to be water dogs!