Remedy and I celebrated the last day of the year by taking a road trip... her first of any significant distance. For the most part she slept but was quick to wake with curiosity at each and every stop. And there were many. We stopped for coffee for me and water for her. We stopped at Caesars for Pizza and dined in the car. There were potty breaks for her as well as myself and of course some stops for fuel along the way. All in all it was a pleasant day! We enjoyed great driving weather and minimal to no time restraints that needed adherence. And we made it to Macon before turning around to head back home. For me and I think for Rem, it was a great way to end the year. If nothing else it got her off the property and allowed me an opportunity to let my mind wander. I'm looking forward to many day trips throughout the upcoming year. Some with Rem, some with Serious, Jess and Lex and of course a trip or two with my Affie Khya. Everyone will get a turn to hit the road in 2015.