Now for the news. Or maybe in some respects lack of news. A couple weeks after successfully getting my most recent litter placed in homes where they're spoiled and adored I once again find myself recovered, refreshed and things back to a semblance of normal... what ever normal is.
As for lack of news, unfortunately I had a missed breeding between Getka and Serious and had the unpleasant task of placing some disappointing phone calls to those waiting for pups. The dogs sometimes have minds of their own it seems. Serious was eager enough to become a dad once again but Getka apparently not ready for motherhood. I really hate making those calls. I've been on the receiving end of one myself so understand the disappointment. As far as Serious and Getka's litter is concerned, a couple deposits were refunded, some will wait for my next litter and some will wait specifically for a pup expected from Getka next spring.
On the home front, a break between litters means I've got some additional time to complete a few more things that have been sitting on the back burner and maybe contemplate a new project or two. Painting the interior remains at the top of the to do list and I think I've finally got my colors chosen... Color is always hard for me! I know what I like when I see it but trying to replicate it from memory and available paint swatches or chips is not my forte. Had actually hoped to be finished or at least well on my way to a freshly painted interior by now but plans shifted a bit as I ended up re-vamping the well used and abused mud room/pup room. The project ran into a couple snags but the now nearly finished project is turning out fabulous! New lighting, a closet to hide the washer and hot water heater, walls that are easy to clean and a counter top with utility sink large enough to wash even the largest pups are in. It's great to have a user friendly spot to bathe and otherwise prepare pups for their ear crops and new homes. Photos of the finished project, some before and some after, will be forthcoming as soon as a few finishing touches are complete. With that project behind me I'll move into the body of the house with paint can and brush in hand. Soon.
With all the rain we've had this year and the shade created by the trees I guess the exterior could use some attention too. Pressure washing at the least.
The weather this summer when I think about it hasn't done anything around here much good. With the exception of the grass and pasture of course. Those have improved immensely. My newly acquired dog houses highlighted a couple posts ago though have suffered. But honestly, I'm not surprised. I guess I wasn't expecting much from them. While they looked pretty good from a distance sitting in the back of my truck, the craftsmanship simply isn't there. I knew it when I purchased them and they served their purpose. The one I built shortly after moving here eight years ago, on the other hand, I'm proud to say is still holding strong. Even after surviving, unscathed, hurricane Irma! My momma taught me well! Even so, I've decided to switch gears on shelter plans. Tractor Supply had a great deal on the Petmate Indigo's so I picked up a couple of those. They've always intrigued me. The dogs seem to like them, they have great reviews, they're essentially maintenance free and seem sturdy. And again, ready now. That part I especially like. Hopefully their longevity will pan out.
As far as the dogs themselves go, things have settled down greatly. I'm still keeping the girls separate for the most part and the half doors have helped tremendously to that end. I think, at least for the dogs, they were the most needed and appreciated improvement here. Majestic, along with a C-section to deliver her last litter received her spay concurrently and I'm hoping a decrease in raging hormones, even if slight will continue the trend toward regaining harmony within the pack. At least we're on the right track.
A continuation of the to do list includes creating Galtero's page and updating the puppy pages of past with a slew of photos sent to me or that I've collected from the various litter pages etc. There are many!
But for now, a slide show of my most recent accomplishment and the one I'm most passionate about. Another beautiful, well socialized, happy healthy Doberman litter. Majestic's last. What an incredibly good mom she's been! And from her, she has brought happiness to many. Her position now- Queen of our castle. I'm more than happy to give her that and accept title of master of castle for myself.