Pauline, her husband and son Cody, came for a visit yesterday to meet their pup Echo. I love that name. Enough so I nearly assigned it to one of my dogs a while back. We enjoyed a nice long visit and it seems Pauline and I share quite a bit in common. Between healthcare, pups and breeding we had multiple subjects to chat about. Cody enjoyed his time with Echo and Echo thoroughly enjoyed the visit and extra attention. It was a chilly day so after a quick trip outside to let her do her business we headed back in to let Echo romp around, be cuddled and in general get acquainted with the family she'll share her life with. Like Drita, Echo's actions basically mapped the course of the visit. These pups already have power! The visit, mainly about her, soon came to an end when she fell asleep in Cody's lap as did Suzy and Jeffs visit when Drita fell asleep at Jeff's feet.
Last night, was spent basically catching up on a few things. Most importantly Christmas! The presents some of you brought and the ones I got for the pups yet unnamed didn't actually happen as planned... unfortunately, too much going on and too much to do to get them presented on the actual day. As planned and mentioned in an earlier post, either here or on the litter page, I dedicated the bulk of the day including a much over due photo shoot to my own pack. And these things it seems can't be rushed. Always hoping for that one great shot, I got somewhat wrapped up with two of my favorite things. My dogs and photography. In the end, I was left with what I thought were multiple great shots! Then in an effort to avoid leaving unfinished projects -along with a need to get my day's work posted in a timely fashion, I did just that. At least to Facebook. It seems, between my Facebook GMBD's page, the litter specific pages and this Website there are an abundance of places to post. I'm feeling a little disorganized and may have to simplify things a little going forward. Hard to keep track of what I've posted where. Soon each of you will have your pups by the paw and will essentially own the litter specific page. I will remain a member of course, "follow" the group and will thoroughly enjoy your posts as they come across my feed. I hope there are many. From time to time, as the pups grow and mature, I'll steal some of my favorites to add to the puppy pages here. If any of you would rather I not share them, just let me know. The photos each of you send or post help those who come after you get a better understanding of what to expect when considering adding a GMBD's pup to their families. Photos of this litter specifically will be especially important. Both to those considering a pup and to me as a breeder since this is Skye's first. I need to see the finished product in order to evaluate and plan future breedings. Skye is beautiful and Lynk handsome so I have no doubt their pups will be as well. But even so, I need confirmation of that belief. So please, participate in group and post away. And thanks again Simone for developing the page.
With that said, I reflect back to last night. Putting my nursing skills back to work I administered the first of the series of puppy vaccinations to each pup. I guess practice makes perfect. It seems the only thing they actually noticed was a requirement to sit still... at least for a brief moment. They all did well.
That business behind us, I thought the timing perfect to celebrate our belated Christmas, spend some one on one time with each pup and present them with their gifts. And of course there were photos! Those, in case you missed them, were posted to my GMBD's Facebook page. I must say, last nights photo shoot was truly a labor of love! Taking photos indoors of moving objects is definitely not without it's challenges! I'm not even going to tell you what time I wrapped things up. Let's just say both the pups and I had a late night.
I had hoped to get the pup pages updated with their weekly entry by now but it's really been too cold the past couple days to subject them to any extended periods outside. Today was an all day indoor day for them. Cold as well as drizzly. Tomorrow is a free day with no appointments or errands scheduled. The forecast calls for slightly warmer temps so I remain hopeful for a chance to gain some appropriate photos for the week. Last nights were really just for fun and to prove they really did get a chance to play with their toys! At least once...